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This Saturday Night’s Special Guest Is MITCH RYDER!!!


William Sherille Levise Jr. was born in Michigan and formed his first band in high school. William became Mitch – MITCH RYDER!

Mitch met producer-song writer Bob Crewe and Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels were born.

They had several hit records in the 60’s – “Devil With A Blue Dress On”, climbed to chart number 4 in 1966, “Jenny Take A Ride”, “Sock It To Me Baby” and “Good Golly Miss Molly”.

The Mitch Ryder Show toured for more than four decades and has recorded over 25 albums.

Mitch has recently released his latest album:”The Roof Is On Fire”. -we’ll discuss his latest album and see where he has landed this time. Mitch has experimented with all musical genres-from Rock & Roll to Heavy Metal (and everything in between).

Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels were inducted into the Michigan Rock and Roll Legends Hall of Fame In 2009, Mitch was inducted as a solo artist and in 2017 he was inducted into The Rhythm and Blues Hall of Fame.

Welcome MITCH RYDER to WABC MusicRadio this Saturday 5/25/24.

– CB.

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